Non categorizzato €600,000 from the European Parliament to the Neo-Nazi movement led by Roberto Fioredi Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 19 Aprile 2016
News Consultations started at the European Parliament. Populars and Socialists excluded everyone elsedi Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 24 Giugno 2014
News PES wants Schulz in the Commission and flexibility for the Stability Pactdi Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 17 Giugno 2014
News Schulz: An Italian for the PES group presidency after me? “For sure”di Redazione eunewsit 10 Giugno 2014
News Presidential debate, the role of the next EU Commission proved crucialdi Redazione eunewsit 10 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato European elections, the Italian Democrats supports Schulz’ for President of the Commissiondi Redazione eunewsit 3 Ottobre 2013
Non categorizzato Camusso: Finally Europe thinks about education and leaves the austerity behinddi Redazione eunewsit 30 Maggio 2013