Economia “Italian fashion exports are almost at pre-COVID levels, but we need investment and reopenings”. Interview with Carlo Capasadi Federico Baccini @federicobaccini 31 Gennaio 2022
Politica Botenga (The Left): “Draghi is not the alternative, and poses a democratic trouble”di Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 17 Febbraio 2021
Politica Estera Bosnia, on the Balkan route Europe is becoming the “intensive care” for human rightsdi Federico Baccini @federicobaccini 18 Gennaio 2021
Non categorizzato Scordamaglia: Agrifood can no longer be the Cinderella of Europe, we are its futuredi Lorenzo Robustelli @LRobustelli 10 Settembre 2019
Politica Restrictions on migrants and asylum. Yes from the government to Salvini, now the examination of the Hilldi Angelo Di Silvio @AngeloDiSilvio3 25 Settembre 2018
Politica Italians first, and only… also for the basic income. But Treu replies: It is forbiddendi Angelo Di Silvio @AngeloDiSilvio3 21 Settembre 2018
Politica Italy, preparing the budget: the “beautiful” summit becomes a dueldi Angelo Di Silvio @AngeloDiSilvio3 18 Settembre 2018
Politica Quarrel on accounts, spread and fiscal draft, the black Thursday between Italy and Europedi Angelo Di Silvio @AngeloDiSilvio3 13 Settembre 2018
Politica Orbàn’s defeat splits the Italian “government of change”di Angelo Di Silvio @AngeloDiSilvio3 12 Settembre 2018
Politica Italian 2018 Elections, the possible majorities and their programs for the Uniondi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 2 Marzo 2018
Politica Italian elections, Tajani assents Berlusconi’s investiture and runs to be the next italian premierdi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 2 Marzo 2018
Politica European Greens: “We wish a pro-EU and ecologist majority from Italian elections”di Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 11 Febbraio 2018
Editoriali Italy and Europe, a rebuilding will be needed, and we will need to be theredi Lorenzo Robustelli @LRobustelli 5 Febbraio 2018
Economia Debt, unemployment and reforms: Italy still a cause of concern, Ecofin ministers saiddi Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 23 Gennaio 2018
Politica Center-right coalition writes its program. Berlusconi and Salvini still divided on the eurodi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 11 Gennaio 2018
Politica The M5s completes the U-turn on the euro, Di Maio: “It’s no longer time to leave”di Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 10 Gennaio 2018
Politica Italy faces uncertain elections, Gentiloni is the guarantee for EU partners. With Berlusconi’s approvaldi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 9 Gennaio 2018
Politica Estera Gentiloni sees the “New Silk Road” as a bridge for the “laborious negotiation” between China and the EUdi Redazione eunewsit 16 Maggio 2017
Cronaca Italy is the country with the healthiest food in the world, but a “traffic light” could slow its growthdi Redazione eunewsit 6 Aprile 2017
Politica Gozi: “First Brexit, then a new agreement. A parallel negotiation is impossible”di Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 30 Marzo 2017
Non categorizzato Gozi: The budget plan poses no risks for the governmentdi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 24 Febbraio 2017
Politica The Democratic Party split paves the way to a Northern League-5 Star coalition?di Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 22 Febbraio 2017