Non categorizzato Mogherini broke up with Russia: “No longer a strategic partner”di Renato Giannetti 2 Settembre 2014
News Mogherini: mine is a difficult task, but I don’t lack experiencedi Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 30 Agosto 2014
News Are Socialists targeting the Presidency of the European Council and the High Representative post as well?di Redazione eunewsit 29 Agosto 2014
News Two couples for ‘EU top jobs’: Tusk-Mogherini with a slight advantagedi Lena Pavese 29 Agosto 2014
News Mogherini: you are talking about appointments, I am focused on dossiers onlydi Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 25 Giugno 2014