Politica European Greens: “We wish a pro-EU and ecologist majority from Italian elections”di Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 11 Febbraio 2018
News “Juncker is entitled to try to create the new Commission” said Tsipras toodi Redazione eunewsit 30 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato Italian PD first party of the European Parliament, possible top roles in the EU nowdi Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 26 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato Gozi: the electoral result strenghtened our position in view of the Semester Presidencydi Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 26 Maggio 2014
News The new Eu Parliament: 31 MEPs to the DP, 17 to M5S, 13 to FI, 5 to LN, 3 each for NCD and Tsiprasdi Redazione eunewsit 26 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato Up to the Parliament now. It’d better earn its roledi Lorenzo Robustelli @LRobustelli 26 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato 2014 European Elections, Rosa Balfour: “There is no interest for Europe in Italy”di Redazione eunewsit 23 Maggio 2014
News Verhofstadt: in Italy we are approaching 4%, young voters are closer to us than to Grillo (Video)di Redazione eunewsit 22 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato Juncker is “confident”: “Merkel and the other EPP leaders will support me”di Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 21 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato Here we go: polls open in the UK and the Netherlandsdi Redazione eunewsit 21 Maggio 2014
News Wilders, leader of the Dutch right, cut up the EU flag outside the Parliamentdi Redazione eunewsit 21 Maggio 2014
News Too divided to count: Eurosceptics vote against each other half of the timedi Redazione eunewsit 20 Maggio 2014
News Final VoteWatch poll: EPP still the first group of the Parliamentdi Redazione eunewsit 20 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato We’ll vote in Italy. But thinking about Europedi Lorenzo Robustelli @LRobustelli 19 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato Fair play, some jokes, some digs. Behind the scenes of the TV debatedi Valeria Strambi 16 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato The European Commission is in ‘election-time’ fashiondi Lorenzo Robustelli @LRobustelli 12 Maggio 2014
News Presidential debate, the role of the next EU Commission proved crucialdi Redazione eunewsit 10 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato Elections, eurosceptics the most probable winners in France and the UKdi Valeria Strambi 7 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato European Elections, poll by La7: DP getting stronger and stronger, yet over a third of Italians won’t votedi Redazione eunewsit 6 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato Verhofstadt: we need a European Commission able to governdi Redazione eunewsit 25 Aprile 2014
News Juncker: we need a new deal with the UK if we want to keep it into the EUdi Redazione eunewsit 23 Aprile 2014
News European Elections polls: Democratic Party first at 35%, then 5StarsMovement (21.4%) and Forza Italia (19.6%)di Redazione eunewsit 22 Aprile 2014