Non categorizzato Renzi: “We will respect the 3% rule, Europe cannot lecture us”di Redazione eunewsit 12 Settembre 2014
Non categorizzato Toia: “Why Denmark proposed a Liberal Commissioner? PES was short of courage”di Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 11 Settembre 2014
News Juncker: “I have a winning team for to put Europe back on the path of jobs and growth”di Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 10 Settembre 2014
News Are Socialists targeting the Presidency of the European Council and the High Representative post as well?di Redazione eunewsit 29 Agosto 2014
News Pittella warns Juncker: “We will not accept a Commission with fewer women than in Barroso’s”di Redazione eunewsit 27 Agosto 2014
News Liberals against Juncker: “Commission with few women and too many EPP members, we won’t vote it”di Redazione eunewsit 25 Agosto 2014
Non categorizzato Moscovici is the French candidate for the European Commissiondi Redazione eunewsit 29 Luglio 2014
Non categorizzato Renzi, a step back about Mogherini: no names for the Commissiondi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 25 Luglio 2014
Non categorizzato D’Alema and Juncker, the quest for a fil rouge in the match for appointmentsdi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 23 Luglio 2014
News Juncker needs women as future Commissioners or the Parliament “won’t support it”di Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 15 Luglio 2014
News Single European Sky, Kallas sent the letters of formal notice for 18 Member Statesdi Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 10 Luglio 2014
Non categorizzato Nelli Feroci is the new pro tempore Italian Commissionerdi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 1 Luglio 2014
Non categorizzato The European summit to be held in Ypres, destroyed and then rebuilt. The perfect metaphor?di Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 26 Giugno 2014
Non categorizzato Democratic Party in Strasbourg: Sassuoli wants the EP Vice-Presidency, Gualtieri wants to lead the Econdi Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 17 Giugno 2014
Non categorizzato The EU disbursed half a billion euro to Ukraine as aid, for purchasing gas in Europe toodi Redazione eunewsit 17 Giugno 2014
News PES wants Schulz in the Commission and flexibility for the Stability Pactdi Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 17 Giugno 2014
News Cameron: Juncker as Commission President? He was not elected by anyonedi Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 13 Giugno 2014
News Obama and the EU: “I get the Commission and Council mixed up” Cameron: “Welcome to the club!”di Redazione eunewsit 5 Giugno 2014
Non categorizzato Schulz’ move to manage the negotiations for the Commissiondi Redazione eunewsit 4 Giugno 2014
Non categorizzato Six Member States are going to exit the Excessive Deficit Proceduredi Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 2 Giugno 2014
News “Juncker is entitled to try to create the new Commission” said Tsipras toodi Redazione eunewsit 30 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato Juncker officially endorsed by the Parliament: he will make the first attempt at mustering majoritydi Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 27 Maggio 2014
News Renzi: from Brussels I expect investments to be excluded by deficit accounting, a Commissioner is less urgentdi Redazione eunewsit 22 Maggio 2014
Non categorizzato Juncker is “confident”: “Merkel and the other EPP leaders will support me”di Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 21 Maggio 2014