Economia Industrial production up by 4.1% in both euro area and EUdi Redazione eunewsit 14 Settembre 2020
Economia April 2020: Annual inflation down to 0.3% in the euro areadi Redazione eunewsit 20 Maggio 2020
enindustry Production in construction down by 3.1% in euro areadi Redazione eunewsit 19 Febbraio 2020
Economia Industrial production collapse: down by 2.1% in euro areadi Redazione eunewsit 12 Febbraio 2020
Economia GDP up by 0.2% and employment up by 0.1% in the euro areadi Redazione eunewsit 14 Novembre 2019
Economia Shortcomings in banking rescue for Single Resolution Board, ECA report revealeddi Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 19 Dicembre 2017