Politica 2018 Elections, the possible majorities and their programs for the Uniondi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 2 Marzo 2018
Politica Italian elections, Tajani assents Berlusconi’s investiture and runs to be the next italian premierdi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 2 Marzo 2018
Politica Center-right coalition writes its program. Berlusconi and Salvini still divided on the eurodi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 11 Gennaio 2018
Politica The M5s completes the U-turn on the euro, Di Maio: “It’s no longer time to leave”di Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 10 Gennaio 2018
Politica Italy faces uncertain elections, Gentiloni is the guarantee for EU partners. With Berlusconi’s approvaldi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 9 Gennaio 2018