News I giovani europei convivono con la disinformazione sui social network (e lo sanno)di Simone De La Feld @SimoneDeLaFeld1 17 Febbraio 2025
News Inquinamento, i rumori nocivi aggrediscono i bambini europei: difficoltà di lettura per 550 mila e comportamentali per 60 miladi Giulia Torbidoni 13 Dicembre 2024
News Juncker: “I have a winning team for to put Europe back on the path of jobs and growth”di Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 10 Settembre 2014
News Mogherini: mine is a difficult task, but I don’t lack experiencedi Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 30 Agosto 2014
News Are Socialists targeting the Presidency of the European Council and the High Representative post as well?di Redazione eunewsit 29 Agosto 2014
News Two couples for ‘EU top jobs’: Tusk-Mogherini with a slight advantagedi Lena Pavese 29 Agosto 2014
News Pittella warns Juncker: “We will not accept a Commission with fewer women than in Barroso’s”di Redazione eunewsit 27 Agosto 2014
News Task force on Frontex. Gozi: “It has to replace Mare Nostrum,” Kyenge: “It can’t”di Redazione eunewsit 26 Agosto 2014
News Liberals against Juncker: “Commission with few women and too many EPP members, we won’t vote it”di Redazione eunewsit 25 Agosto 2014
News The EU to ban powerful vacuum cleaners: they will disappear from September 1stdi Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 22 Agosto 2014
News Immigration, the EU froze Italy’s will: Frontex will not substitute Mare Nostrum: “not enough means”di Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 19 Agosto 2014
News Cameron to cut benefits for immigrants from EU countriesdi Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 29 Luglio 2014
News Gozi: “We need to evaluate the effectiveness of the Lisbon Treaty”di Valeria Strambi 22 Luglio 2014
News The Italian Government to show the priorities of the Semester to the European Parliamentdi Redazione eunewsit 21 Luglio 2014
News Juncker needs women as future Commissioners or the Parliament “won’t support it”di Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 15 Luglio 2014
News Single European Sky, Kallas sent the letters of formal notice for 18 Member Statesdi Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 10 Luglio 2014
News Juncker: More flexibility, but we still need austeritydi Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 8 Luglio 2014
News Juncker seeking support from S&D: “Next Economic Affairs Commissioner will be a Socialist”di Letizia Pascale @LetiziaPascale 8 Luglio 2014
News Renzi: Europe belongs to its citizens not to bankersdi Domenico Giovinazzo @giopicheco 4 Luglio 2014
News Pistoletto’s New Infinity is the Italian installation for the Semesterdi Redazione eunewsit 3 Luglio 2014
News Pittella elected as S&D group President, the first time for an Italian: “Now a valiant program”di Perla Ressese 2 Luglio 2014
News Another immigration tragedy, the EU wants to “contribute even more” to Italian effortsdi Perla Ressese 30 Giugno 2014
News First Plenary and Italian Semester: get the party started in Europedi Alfonso Bianchi @AlfonsoBianchi 30 Giugno 2014
News Greenpeace blitz at the EU summit, activists down a crane on the Council buildingdi Redazione eunewsit 27 Giugno 2014
News Mogherini: you are talking about appointments, I am focused on dossiers onlydi Emanuele Bonini emanuelebonini 25 Giugno 2014