Kallas’ collapse makes von der Leyen ever stronger. Even if a “cabinet of war” is needed
Kaja Kallas, the former Estonian prime minister turned EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, seems to have already...
Kaja Kallas, the former Estonian prime minister turned EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, seems to have already...
Defense is a complex thing. Having guns matters, of course, but as a police friend who drove like a Formula...
For some time, a discouraged claim that "democracy does not have the strength to save itself" has been gaining ground....
In the European Union, Donald Trump's return to the White House has generally triggered a wave of panic. A few...
In times of crisis, you either sink or accelerate. Either you go down, or you learn how to swim. After COVID-19, the...
"It is an obvious common sense decision." This phrase often resonates in the speeches and announcements of US President Donald...
The whole world, and even the European Union, is trying to prepare for the scenarios that will arise when US...
For the first time, the European Parliament's vote on a new Commission recorded fewer votes in favor than the numbers...
The painful theatre of the hearings of European commissioner candidates seems to have come to an end. What has it been...
Yet another split occurred today in the European Parliament majority that supported Ursula von der Leyen's second term as head...
The first shock had come eight years ago when Donald Trump won his first race for the White House. The...
Donald Trump has won, and overwhelmingly won, the US election.He probably did not expect such a result either: a five-million-vote...
There is a famous line from Roberto Benigni's film "Johnny Stecchino" (1991), where a newcomer arriving in Palermo is told...
Yesterday, Austria's far-right won the general election, meaning that the FPO became, by and large, the leading party. However, to...
Exactly five years ago, Ursula von der Leyen was an unknown German politician who had been minister of Labor and then...
There's the Green Deal to be implemented ("without forgetting the needs of business," as everyone is now reciting), the Banking...
For weeks now here in Brussels, but not only here, the race has been on to see which of the...
Sunday, July 7, is the second round of the French legislative elections. So, the European picture could change. Indeed, it...
The names have come out: Ursula von der Leyen, Kaja Kallas, Antonio Costa, and Roberta Metsola. they will be at...
I read today's Italian newspapers, and I am perplexed. In general, the tone of the editorials, in all or most newspapers,...
The post-election picture has been widely discussed in recent days, in this newspaper and everywhere. In two lines, the general...
The outgoing majority in the European Parliament held up even though reshaped by an EPP enriched with right-wing content. There was...
European countries are, fortunately for us, all democratic countries. Oh my, there is "illiberal democracy" in some, but from the...
The big pre-election job in these elections for the tenth European legislature passes to the right. From the centre to...