Brussels – “It will take decades, but the ultimate goal is to have a common army.” For Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, when discussing defense, it is impossible not to talk about military integration, especially at this historic moment. “We need more Europe. It is in the interest of Italy and every citizen,” he sounded after attending the European People’s Party (EPP) meeting preceding the EU heads of state and government summit.
The national secretary of Forza Italia sees the need to move forward with the initiative to revitalize the defense industry, even if the European Commission’s RearmEu plan brings risks of further indebtedness. “A European project to strengthen defense is not too big a risk.” Of course, the government will be careful, he reiterated, confirming once again that the majority “will not use” cohesion funds earmarked for the regions to finance the revitalization of the defense industry. Still, it is necessary to move forward.
On this, all of the European People’s Party wants to move forward, and not only to support their party member, Ursula von der Leyen. “We need an eastern shield” of defense, stresses the People’s Party president, Manfred Weber, about strengthening the shared border with Russia. But above all, more investment is needed. “Eight hundred billion is a good start, but it is not enough” for European needs, he noted.
On this, Tajani agrees. The Foreign Minister confirms that the budget conceived in the Commission’s strategy is insufficient when he clarifies that “eight hundred billion is leverage” to mobilize more. Financing efforts are enormous, such as to justify reasoning on new shared debt. “I think we need Eurobonds for defense,” the foreign minister said. That turns the spotlight on the southern flank. To Weber, who calls for an eastern shield, Tajani replies with “the importance of looking south.” As he explains, there are many threats in Africa. One of them is terrorism, and then “there are Russians and Iranians.”
These and other defense-related issues will be discussed on April 15 in Rome at the Connact series event “Joint European defense: financing and industrial integration.”
English version by the Translation Service of Withub