Brussels – The EU’s financial contribution to Ukraine continues to grow, which is inevitable with the ongoing conflict. The difference is in the mode of communication. The transition from the first to the second von der Leyen Commission marks a new way of responding to the same parliamentary question: how much has the Union spent to support Kyiv? The updated total as of mid-November is 124 billion euros. Budget Commissioner Piotr Serafin offers the breakdown, something the now-former high representative Josep Borrell did not provide in the previous response.
The European Union has so far mobilized €47.8 billion in financial assistance from the EU (of which €35.7 billion in the form of loans, €6.8 billion in non-repayable support, and 5,3 billion euros through EU guarantees), 12.2 billion euros in bilateral aid from member states, 45.5 billion euros in military assistance, and 1.5 billion euros from proceeds from frozen and immobilized Russian assets. Total direct costs of 107 billion euros, in addition to which there are indirect costs of 17 billion for European economies to help people fleeing for a total of 124 billion euros spent so far.
Serafin assured that the EU’s economic and financial efforts will not stop. From the EU, he stresses, there is “unwavering commitment to providing continued political, financial, economic, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support to Ukraine and its people for as long as it takes and as intensely as needed.”
English version by the Translation Service of Withub