Brussels – Green light from the EU Council for the second regular payment to Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility. €4.2 billion in grants and loans to increase the country’s macro-financial stability and improve the functioning of the public administration.
After the payment request submitted in October 2024 and the Commission’s positive assessment, the Council concluded that Ukraine had fulfilled the conditions and necessary reforms set out in the Plan for Ukraine. The areas to be worked on were anti-corruption, money laundering, criminal code and criminal procedure, business environment, energy, green transition, and environmental protection. In the Council’s view, the allocation of funds should be as fast as possible to support Ukraine’s financial difficulties.
The General Plan for Ukraine outlines the country’s priorities for recovery, reconstruction, and modernization, in line with the goals to be achieved to optimize the EU accession process over the next four years. Approved in May 2024, the Plan had prerequisites for support of up to €50 billion under the Ukraine Facility, and in August, the first instalment was disbursed.
In 2024–2027, it will be possible to use the Facility’s funds, of which up to €32 billion is indicatively earmarked to support the reforms and investments envisaged in the Ukraine Plan, conditional on the achievement of identified indicators. Since it entered into force, the Facility for Ukraine has already disbursed €6 billion in bridge financing, €1.89 billion in pre-financing, and a first instalment in the amount of the second.
English version by the Translation Service of Withub