Brussels – “Nature credit” to help those who invest against climate change. That’s the idea launched this morning by Ursula von der Leyen in her speech in Munich at the DLD (Digital Life Design) conference.
She was inspired by the carbon market, which “has been functioning for almost 20 years” and which she considers “incredibly efficient.”
“Carbon pricing has raised €180 billion, which has been reinvested in climate and innovation projects,” recalled the German politician, who would like the same thing to happen “for nature credits.” That way, for example, a water company “for which the health of a spring is crucial” could reward “local communities or farmers” who take care of it.
The project, which fits well with the priority given to competitiveness in the European Commission’s new mandate, is already being defined, and Brussels is working with member states “to develop the first pilot projects.”
English version by the Translation Service of Withub