From the Envoy in Strasbourg – The last day of the EU Parliament’s plenary session is the one that gives the green light to the work of the 20 parliamentary committees and four subcommittees of the 10th parliamentary term. With the approval this morning (July 19) to vote on the composition of their respective members — following Wednesday’s (July 17) vote on the numerical composition — the 720 MEPs are ready to begin their mandates on legislative dossiers in Brussels and Strasbourg. The only thing missing is the election of chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of committees and subcommittees, for which one will have to wait until Tuesday (July 23), with the decision expected in the EU Parliament between 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Having formalized the division of single members of the national delegations among committees and subcommittees in the EU Parliament–between full and substitutes (the complete list) — the eight parliamentary groups are now finalizing the lists of their respective coordinators. There are starting to be the first official confirmations, with notable appointments for some of the 76 elected Italian MEPs. These include the outgoing head of the Democratic Party delegation, Brando Benifei, who will be the coordinator of the International Trade (INTA) committee for the group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D). Fellow party member and former mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, has been chosen as the new S&D coordinator for the Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) committee. Also in the AGRI committee, however, Herbert Dorfmann (Südtiroler Volkspartei) will be the coordinator of the European People’s Party group.
Italian MEPs in committees and subcommittees
Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET)
The 79 members of the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET) include: Alberico Gambino (FdI), Lucia Annunziata (PD), Nicola Zingaretti (PD), Roberto Vannacci (League), Leoluca Orlando (Greens), Danilo Della Valle (M5S).
Substitute members include: Carlo Fidanza (FdI), Giorgio Gori (PD), Alessandra Moretti (PD), Marco Tarquinio (PD), Massimiliano Salini (Fi), Susanna Ceccardi (League), Silvia Sardone (League), Ilaria Salis (Greens/Left).
Development Commission (DEVE)
The 25 members of the Development Committee (DEVE) include: Marco Tarquinio (PD), Domenico Lucano (Greens/Left).
Substitute members include: Paolo Inselvini (FdI), Cecilia Strada (PD), Fulvio Martusciello (FI), Carolina Morace (M5S).
International Trade Commission (INTA)
The 43 members of the International Trade Committee (INTA) include: Daniele Polato (FdI), Francesco Torselli (FdI), Brando Benifei (PD).
Substitute members include: Lucia Annunziata (PD), Stefano Bonaccini (PD), Paolo Borchia (League), Isabella Tovaglieri (League), Danilo Della Valle (M5S).
Budgets Committee (BUDG)
The 40 members of the Budget Committee (BUDG) include: Ruggero Razza (FdI), Giuseppe Lupo (PD), Ignazio Marino (Greens).
Substitute members include: Michele Picaro (FdI), Antonio Decaro (PD).
Budgetary Control Committee (CONT)
The 30 members of the Budget Control Committee (CONT) include: Giuseppe Lupo (PD), Caterina Chinnici (FI), Pasquale Tridico (M5S).
Among the substitute members: Marco Squarta (FdI).
Economic and Monetary Problems Committee (ECON)
The 60 members of the Economic and Monetary Issues Committee (ECON) are: Denis Nesci (FdI), Francesco Ventola (FdI), Irene Tinagli (Pd), Marco Falcone (Fi), Fulvio Martusciello (FI), Gaetano Pedullà (M5S), Pasquale Tridico (M5S).
Substitute members include: Giovanni Crosetto(FdI), Elisabetta Gualmini (PD), Camilla Laureti (Pd), Herbert Dorfmann (FI), Paolo Borchia (League).
Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL)
The 60 members of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL) include: Elena Donazzan(FdI), Chiara Gemma (FdI), Nicola Procaccini (FdI), Francesco Torselli (FdI), Mariateresa Vivaldini (FdI), Raffaele Topo (PD), Letizia Moratti (FI).
Substitute members include: Mario Mantovani (FdI), Lara Magoni (FdI), Pierfrancesco Maran (PD), Cecilia Strada (PD), Giuseppina Princi (Fi), Benedetta Scuderi (Greens).
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI)
The 90 members of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee include: Pietro Fiocchi (FdI), Michele Picaro (FdI), Nicola Procaccini (FdI), Annalisa Corrado (PD), Alessandra Moretti (PD), Antonio Decaro (PD), Massimiliano Salini (FI), Flavio Tosi (Fi), Aldo Patriciello (League), Silvia Sardone (League), Ignazio Marino (Greens).
Substitute members include: Sergio Berlato (FdI), Stefano Cavedagna (FdI), Antonella Sberna (FdI, vice-president of the European Parliament), Paolo Inselvini (FdI), Matteo Ricci (PD), Irene Tinagli (PD), Raffaele Topo (PD), Letizia Moratti (Fi),Susanna Ceccardi (Lega), Roberto Vannacci (League), Valentina Palmisano (M5S).
Industry, Research and Energy Commission (ITRE)
The 90 members of the Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee include: Carlo Ciccioli (FdI), Giovanni Crosetto (FdI), Elena Donazzan (FdI), Nicola Procaccini (FdI), Mariateresa Vivaldini (FdI), Giorgio Gori (PD), Elisabetta Gualmini (PD), Nicola Zingaretti (PD), Fulvio Martusciello (FI), Letizia Moratti (FI), Paolo Borchia (Lega), Isabella Tovaglieri (Lega), Benedetta Scuderi (Greens), Dario Tamburrano (M5S).
Substitute members include: Alessandro Ciriani (FdI), Pietro Fiocchi (FdI), Chiara Gemma (FdI), Lara Magoni (FdI), Francesco Torselli (FdI), Annalisa Corrado (PD), Dario Nardella (PD), Irene Tinagli (PD), Flavio Tosi (Fi), Aldo Patriciello (Lega), Silvia Sardone (League), Raffaele Stancanelli (League), Gaetano Pedullà (M5S).
Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)
The 52 members of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) committee include: Stefano Cavedagna (FdI), Denis Nesci (FdI), Pierfrancesco Maran (PD).
Substitute members include: Daniele Polato (FdI), Mariateresa Vivaldini (FdI), Brando Benifei (PD), Salvatore De Meo (FI), Aldo Patriciello (Lega), Gaetano Pedullà (M5S).
Transportation and Tourism Committee (TRAN)
The 46 members of the Transportation and Tourism Committee (TRAN) include: Carlo Ciccioli (FdI), Matteo Ricci (PD), Anna Maria Cisint (League).
Substitute members include: Carlo Fidanza (FdI), Alberico Gambino (FdI), Giuseppe Lupo (PD), Massimiliano Salini (Fi), Paolo Borchia (League), Dario Tamburrano (M5S), Pasquale Tridico (M5S).
Regional Development Commission (REGI)
The 41 members of the Regional Development Committee (REGI) include: Antonella Sberna (FdI, vice chair of the European Parliament), Francesco Ventola (FdI), Raffaele Topo (PD), Valentina Palmisano (M5S).
Substitute members include: Giuseppe Milazzo (FdI), Denis Nesci (FdI), Antonio Decaro (Pd), Aldo Patriciello (League), Cristina Guarda (Greens), Domenico Lucano (Greens/Left), Giuseppe Antoci (M5S).
Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) Committee
The 49 members of the Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) Committee include: Sergio Berlato (FdI), Carlo Fidanza (FdI), Stefano Bonaccini (Pd), Camilla Laureti (PD), Dario Nardella (PD), Salvatore De Meo (Fi), Herbert Dorfmann (Svp), Raffaele Stancanelli (League), Cristina Guarda (Greens).
Substitute members include: Nicola Procaccini (FdI), Francesco Ventola (FdI), Annalisa Corrado (PD), Elisabetta Gualmini (PD), Isabella Tovaglieri (League), Giuseppe Antoci (M5S).
Fishing Committee (PECH)
The 27 members of the Fisheries (PECH) Committee include: Giuseppe Milazzo (FdI), Giuseppe Lupo (PD).
Substitute members include: Carlo Ciccioli (FdI), Marco Falcone (FI), Anna Maria Cisint (League).
Culture and Education Committee (CULT)
The 30 members of the Culture and Education (CULT) Committee include: Lara Magoni (FdI), Marco Squarta (FdI), Sandro Ruotolo (PD), Giuseppina Princi (FI), Mario Furore (M5S).
Substitute members include: Clara Gemma (FdI), Nicola Zingaretti (PD), Benedetta Scuderi (Greens), Carolina Morace (M5S).
Legal Committee (JURI)
The 25 members of the Legal Committee (JURI) include: Mario Mantovani (FdI), Mario Furore (M5S).
Substitute members include: Brando Benifei (PD), Alessandro Zan (PD), Caterina Chinnici (FI), Raffaele Stancanelli (League).
Civil Liberties, Justice and Internal Affairs Committee (LIBE)
The 75 members of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Internal Affairs (LIBE) Committee include: Alessandro Ciriani (FdI), Paolo Inselvini (FdI), Cecilia Strada (PD), Alessandro Zan (PD), Caterina Chinnici (FI), Susanna Ceccardi (League), Giuseppe Antoci (M5S), Ilaria Salis (Greens/Left).
Substitute members include: Giuseppe Milazzo (FdI), Nicola Procaccini (FdI), Marco Tarquinio (PD), Sandro Ruotolo (PD), Pina Picierno (PD, vice president of the European Parliament), Anna Maria Cisint (League), Roberto Vannacci (League), Leoluca Orlando (Greens), Gaetano Pedullà (M5S).
Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO)
The 30 members of the Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO) include: Nicola Procaccini (FdI), Brando Benifei (PD), Salvatore De Meo (FI), Mario Furore (M5S).
Substitute members include: Mario Mantovani (FdI), Alessandro Zan (PD), Leoluca Orlando (Greens).
Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee (FEMM)
The 40 members of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) Committee include: Chiara Gemma (FdI), Alessandra Moretti (PD), Giuseppina Princi (FI), Benedetta Scuderi (Greens), Carolina Morace (M5S).
Substitute members include: Elena Donazzan(FdI), Cecilia Strada (PD), Susanna Ceccardi (League), Anna Maria Cisint (League).
Petitions Committee (PETI)
The 35 members of the Petitions Committee (PETI) include: Paolo Inselvini (FdI), Pina Picierno (PD, vice president of the European Parliament), Sandro Ruotolo (PD), Cristina Guarda (Greens), Valentina Palmisano (M5S).
Among the substitute members: Annalisa Corrado (PD).
Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI)
The 30 members of the Human Rights Subcommittee (DROI) include: Marco Tarquinio (PD), Silvia Sardone (League).
Substitute members include: Danilo Della Valle (M5S), Ilaria Salis (Greens/Left).
Security and Defense Subcommittee (SEDE)
The 30 members of the Security and Defense Subcommittee (SEDE) include: Alberico Gambino (FdI).
Among the substitute members: Lucia Annunziata (PD), Salvatore De Meo (FI).
Subcommittee on Fiscal Matters (FISC)
The 30 members of the Taxation Issues Subcommittee (FISC) include: Denis Nesci (FdI), Camilla Laureti (PD), Herbert Dorfmann (FI), Pasquale Tridico (M5S).
No substitute members among Italian MEPs.
Subcommittee on Public Health (SANT)
The 30 members of the Public Health Subcommittee (SANT) include: Michele Picaro (FdI),Ignazio Marino (Greens), Valentina Palmisano (M5S).
Substitute members include: Pietro Fiocchi (FdI), Ruggero Razza (FdI), Alessandra Moretti (Pd), Raffaele Topo (PD), Letizia Moratti (Fi).
English version by the Translation Service of Withub