Fredis Beleri Albania Grecia (fonte: Wikipedia)
The EU’s Dangerous Double Standard on Israel
We receive and gladly publish an intervention by Adel Atieh, Ambassador, Director of the European Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs...
L'eurodeputato greco-albanese Fredi Beleri (foto: Wikimedia Commons)
Fredis Beleri Albania Grecia (fonte: Wikipedia)
We receive and gladly publish an intervention by Adel Atieh, Ambassador, Director of the European Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs...
Data released by the ECB expose a growing phenomenon. To be counterfeited especially the 20 and 50 denominations
According to Bruegel experts, "Europe would need 300,000 troops and €250 billion more to confront Moscow." Crucial to increase coordination,...
Eurobarometer survey shows how the price is increasingly unaffordable. A problem especially for Italians