Brussels – Objective: to promote research and innovation in reliable artificial intelligence (AI) to position the EU as a leader in international discussions. The Office for Artificial Intelligence of the European Union has officially been born. Established within the European Commission, the special body will be responsible for implementing the AI law, which will be fully effective by 2026. From June 16, the structure is expected to be operational, with roles and tasks defined, in order to have the first meeting by the end of June.
The Office of Artificial Intelligence, as conceived, will have a regulatory and compliance unit that coordinates the regulatory approach to facilitate uniform application and enforcement of the AI law throughout the Union, working closely with member states. The unit will help with investigations and possible violations and administer penalties. A unit on security is also planned and focused on identifying systemic risks of very capable general-purpose models, potential mitigation measures, and evaluation and testing approaches. A third unit for excellence in AI and robotics aims to foster an ecosystem of excellence, especially in research and development.
The Commission also envisions a unit for society tasked with designing and implementing the Office’s international efforts on artificial intelligence for practical purposes for citizens, such as weather modelling, cancer diagnoses, and digital twins for reconstruction. Finally, a fifth Unit for Artificial Intelligence Policy Innovation and Coordination is planned and tasked with overseeing the execution of the EU strategy.
Overall,140 members will work in Brussels and coordinate with the member states for what is intended to be the actual EU control room for new technologies. Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton has no doubts: “With the new Office for Artificial Intelligence, the Commission will have the necessary expertise to lead the implementation of the AI Act and strengthen Europe’s role as the global standard-setting body in the field.”
English version by the Translation Service of Withub