Kallas’ collapse makes von der Leyen ever stronger. Even if a “cabinet of war” is needed
Kaja Kallas, the former Estonian prime minister turned EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, seems to have already...
A picture shows a dry water pipeline on February 26, 2024 in Lentini, Sicily. Regional authorities in the southern Italian island declared a state of emergency earlier this month, after the winter rains hoped for following last year's punishing summer failed. (Photo by Alberto PIZZOLI / AFP)
Kaja Kallas, the former Estonian prime minister turned EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, seems to have already...
Kyiv and Moscow confirm that their respective negotiating teams will sit at the table with the US for two separate...
According to data from the International Organization for Migration, it was the deadliest year ever. But the actual number of...
Eurostat confirms a fact that is now structural and also valid for Italy: vein and artery diseases more deadly than...