Brussels -How the European Parliament works, why it matters, and how it affects the everyday lives of every citizen: 100 days from European elections, the European Parliament launches its information and awareness campaign for the European electorate. Between now and the beginning of June, it plans to stress the importance of a vote that is as sensitive as ever. A dedicated portal in all official EU languages with lots of information, updates on member states, and the ability to register in a community designed to encourage active participation in organizing and promoting elections with the appropriate narrative.Because insisting will result in ‘hammering’ and ‘directing.’ What is of concern in Brussels is the misinformation and interference of foreign countries in the political debate. In response to counter-information lurking outside the EU, the EU intends to respond with a communications machine up to the challenge. Values and Transparency Commissioner Vera Jourova is very concerned, in particular, about the disinformation that Russia is “massively” producing and disseminating, even more so than China and Iran, hence the need to direct the debate in the right channel with continuous and targeted actions. The European Parliament has already signed an agreement with Enex to produce audio-visual material, and it is counting on doing the same with EBU – European Broadcasting Union to enable a more widespread discussion of European issues and stimulate debate, clean of outside interference.
In addition to relying on external and independent networks, Parliament intends to use its in-house audio-visual service to package clips on the EU and Parliament’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, support for Ukraine, and the fight against climate change. Whatever it takes to convince the European electorate to go to the polls for a just cause, the European Union, and its ‘just’ nature. So, the European information machine is underway, and it is not just about a propaganda exercise against external interference.
There is a need to convince Europeans not to give in to the easy promises of anti-European and Euro-skeptical forces proliferating within member states of the European Union itself. The extreme right, sovereignists, and nationalists could come out of the polls with a whole new force, and with this in mind, the European Parliament is working to inform people why more Europe is better than less Europe.
A scenario of stronger euro-skeptic and sovereignist forces is possible because of the number of undecided voters and the resulting abstentionism. Participation in the European vote does not seem very high. This is especially true in Italy. The voting campaign launched by the European Parliament aims to respond to this as well.
English version by the Translation Service of Withub