On Monday, 27 November, the last trilogue – the negotiation meeting between the Parliament, the EU Council and the Commission – took place on the gas and hydrogen market reform package, which was presented nearly two years ago by the European Commission and includes a directive and a regulation. The co-legislators managed to conclude an agreement only on the directive, due to disagreements over one element in particular in the regulation: the governance of the future hydrogen market. On Friday, 8 December, the final trialogue is scheduled, in which the co-legislators together with the European Commission aim to conclude a final agreement on the regulation as well.
Reportedly, a meeting between the rapporteur and the shadow rapporteurs in the ITRE committee was scheduled for Thursday morning to decide on the strategy to be adopted the next day at the negotiating table with the Council. A possible compromise envisaged by the Spanish presidency of the EU Council – as the Spanish presidency’s document also shows – could be the creation of a separate entity but with strong coordination between the two bodies on the most important elements. And it cannot be ruled out that in the end, during Thursday’s meeting, the EU Parliament rapporteurs might finally converge on the Spanish Presidency’s proposal.