The negotiation between Rai and Belgacom for the transmission of channels 2 and 3 of the public Italian television in Belgium resumed, but did not stop the collection of signatures. We arrived at over 1,500, a result that reflect the strong desire to have the Italian national public television here.
People are concerned that Rome has decided to block the transmission of RAI 2 and RAI 3, on the eve of the major confrontation election. Italians in Belgium, many of whom still vote in their country, want to have the plurality of information, they want to follow debates and political forums to be held on different networks, they don’t want an information halved. In a moment of great changes like this it is not fair to have a partial information. At a time like this, of great change, not just be reduced to having only a partial information, entertainment and public service in general.
Rai mu make an effort of goodwill, balance, pride of public service and give us back the channels deleted.
Eunews è una testata giornalistica registrata - Registro Stampa del Tribunale di Torino n° 27