Five scupltures, five Continents connected by their tension to harmony and stability, interconnected in a remarkable trick of light and balances. This is how Maurizio Toffoletti expresses his ideal of peace, with the artworks exhibited up to 3 September on the esplanade of the European Parliament in Brussels. The exhibition, “The Universal City”, is part of the cultural initiatives organised within the Italian European Semester.
The activity of the sculptor from Lecce, who had already had its artworks exhibited in the most famous squares in Paris, carves the values of shared and peaceful coexistence into the marble, as well as the desire for a better world. Aerodynamic and evocative shapes for Toffoletti, whose sculpture represents the project of a universal city as seen from on high. A place that, following the refined footsteps of “The Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino, receives its shape “from the desert of the spirit to which it is opposed.”