Brussels – Grimaldi Studio Legale, with Managing Partner Francesco Sciaudone and a team coordinated by Dalila Frisani, of the Brussels Office, has been awarded by the European Commission – DG MOVE – a contract for the provision of legal assistance in the area of rail transport (“Assistance with the verification of compliance of national legislative measures implementing Directive 2012/34/EU establishing a single European railway area”). Notably, the firm will assess whether the transposing measures adopted by 9 EU Member States (including Italy, Czech Republic Ceca, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Ireland, Croatia, Denmark) and Serbia (candidate country and beneficiary of IPA assistance) comply with Directive 2012/34/EU establishing a single European railway area.
The Directive lays down: (a) the rules applicable to the management of railway infrastructure and to rail transport activities of the railway undertakings; (b) the criteria applicable to the issuing, renewal or amendment of licences by a Member State intended for railway undertakings; (c) the principles and procedures applicable to the setting and collecting of railway infrastructure charges and the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity.
The Contract will run for 2018 and has a value of 190 thousand euros. Mr. Sciaudone says: “We strive to be the leading European law firm in the transport sector”.
Grimaldi Studio Legale has also been awarded by the European Commission – DG MOVE – a contract for the provision of legal and economic assistance in the area of transport related services. Notably, the firm will realize the study “Remaining challenges for EU-wide integrated ticketing and payment systems”.
The aim of the study is to identify challenges on delivering EU-wide integrated ticketing and propose actions and initiatives that are necessary in order to achieve such a goal. The study concerns, inter alia, all transport modes and aims at assessing whether existing agreements between transport operators allow integrating ticketing and to what extent transport operators provide fare information to passengers/make available such information. The Study covers all 28 EU Member States.