The French economist Pascal Lamy, Director General of the WTO – World Trade Organization – from 2005 to 2013, then Commissioner of the EU for Trade in the European Commission led by Romano Prodi, was elected Vice President of FEPS, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, led by Massimo D’Alema. “I am glad to give my contribution to a research organization like this,” commented Lamy, “today more than ever we need to promote an intellectual dialogue ready to face global challenges.”
FEPS, through its studies and initiatives, keeps alive numerous discussions on crucial topics dealing with Europe (and not only). The Foundation has recently started a working group dedicated to TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between Europe and the US. “It is a very important negotiation, though difficult,” said Lamy, “and we need to run it with particular care to consumers’ interests.”
According to the French economist, the free trade agreement with the US cannot be seen as a simple economic negotiation, we need to consider it into the global context. “The TTIP can and must be the occasion for introducing new rules,” added Lamy, “we need a kind of trade with greater guarantees for health and environment. We then need to reject the primitive and purely economic conception of this agreement.”
“The TTIP will be successful if we are able to make it a true expression of a future oriented to a new, global agreement,” commented Lamy, “where international trade relation are defined by the promise of progress, prosperity and benefits for all. All these aspects should demonstrate that there’s a way to bring about a renovated balance into international relations and institutions.”