The President of the European Council in New York asks that “all diplomatic means” be used to resolve the crisis and promises: “despite the difficult economic times, Europe will not disengage”

The Council of the United Nations must adopt a “clear resolution” regarding Syria. It was Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council to request it, intervening at the General Assembly of the UN. “It is urgent – he highlighted – that the necessary decisions be taken to ensure a secure destruction” of the Syrian chemical weapons: this “would mark a turn.”
Not just for Syria. According to the EU representative, to take a step forward in Damascus would also mean “opening other doors.” To ensure the rules on chemical weapons are respected, to reopen the line of communication, to find an agreement within the international community would mean that the possibility to do the same thing in other parts exists. Like this the developments with Israel and Palestine and with Iran, according to Van Rompuy, could paradoxically “be mutually reinforced” by what is happening in Syria.
The role of the 28 governments of the European Union, “who greet the diplomatic opening positively,” is complete, the President of the European Council emphasizes. Europe will give all the support necessary and “will not disengage efforts despite the economic difficulties that the past years have brought.”
For Van Rompuy now the “main priority” is of bring all Syrian parties to the negotiating table, both “those close to Damascus, as well as those close to the opposition.” In short, “all diplomatic means” must be used to resolve the Syrian crisis. The EU representative believes it is also time to work actively in view of a new international conference on Syria, “Geneva II.” “It will not be easy, to end a war never is – admits Van Rompuy – but the cost of hesitating and not getting involved would be much higher and not just for the Syrian people.”
Letizia Pascale